Generating graph using default settings
$ ./ --threads=1
Generating a 1000-vertex and 1000-egde graph using 5 threads and storing it in ~/mygraph.pyg
$ ./ --threads=5 --max-vertices=1000 --max-edges=1000 --output=~/mygraph.pyg
Same as above but without self-loops (edges that connect a vertex to itself)
$ ./ --threads=5 --max-vertices=1000 --max-edges=1000 --output=~/mygraph.pyg --no-self-loops
Storing in dot compatible output and making a postscript file
$ ./ --output=~/mygraph.pyg --format=dot
$ dot -Tps ~/mygraph.pyg -o
Generates a 1000-vertex and 1000-egde graph using 5 threads and stores it in ~/mygraph.pyg. Also, finds connected components in that graph and store them in ~/ Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm is used.
$ ./ --threads=5 --max-vertices=1000 --max-edges=1000 --output=~/mygraph.pyg --find-conncomps --file-conncomps=~/
Same as above but only stores the largest component
$ ./ --threads=5 --max-vertices=1000 --max-edges=1000 --output=~/mygraph.pyg --find-conncomps --only-largest --file-conncomps=~/